TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier

Special Price!!! TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier

Oct 31, 2011 13:11:10

TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier
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TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier <<

TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier Feature

  • Heavy Duty Cast Iron Base
  • 2-1/2-Inch, 2X Magnifying Glass for Precision Work without Eyestrain
  • Dual Alligator Spring Clamps Hold Workpiece Steady
  • Mirror and Clamps are Mounted on Adjustable Ball Joints to Position and View Work at any Angle
  • Frees Hands for Soldering, Gluing, Positioning, Fastening, and Assembly

TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier Overview

MIT HELPING HAND WITH MAGNIFIER features: Heavy Duty Cast Iron Base. Two Alligator Clamps Hold Light Materials Steady. 2X, 2-1/2" Magnifying Glass for Precision Work without Eyestrain. Adjustable Ball Joints Position and Hold Work at any Angle. Frees Hands for Soldering, Gluing, Positioning, Fastening, and Assembly

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Available In Stock.

This TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier

Limited Offer Today!! TEKTON 7521 Helping Hand with Magnifier Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Protein Drink

Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray

Special Price!!! Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray

Oct 28, 2011 07:14:18

Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray
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Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray <<

Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray Feature

  • Holds up to 1-1/8" diameter iron
  • Two position stand
  • Heavy duty metal base
  • Sponge receptacle

Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray Overview

Soldering iron stand. Holds up to 1-1/8" diameter iron in two positions. Heavy duty metal base has a built in sponge tray. Two per pack.

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Available In Stock.

This Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray

Limited Offer Today!! Aven 17531 Soldering Iron Stand With Built In Sponge Tray Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Led Projector 1080P 37 Vizio 1080P

How Can I Generate Renewable Energy and Reduce My Bills? A Guide to DIY Solar Energy

In the world of today's energetic concerns, there is much struggle and dismay in the strife of finding a better alternative to fossil fuels to better our planet and economy. With declines that are currently unfolding in many areas of our market, we the working class are often left holding the bag, so to speak. They are not about to turn away from the recession to put the necessary time into finding a greater alternative to burning fossil fuels. But I will not babble about politics in this article as I had already intended to designate this a small financial and methodical guide in making your home self sufficient with solar panels. The benefits of doing so would make it seem almost a no-brainer in most logic. You can create your own steady, renewable, green source of energy to power your home and can do it cheaply in certain ways if you are a well informed DIY'er or even a beginner builder of any kind also. I will discuss major points in deciding how you want your solar project to turn to out whether you build it on your own, or you have money you want to invest in getting it professionally done to get a better outlined understanding with all options laid out on the table.

Soldering Stand

Getting the Build Started

Soldering Stand

There are different routes one can take when they decide to go solar. People from different environments, scale of intentions, financial situations, and technical know-how will all have a different ideas of going about this and different desired results they want to get out of this. Listed below are choices that can accommodate each level of interest

DIY- For the more mechanically adept, the DIY route is definitely a great way to go to save hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands as a vice to having a professional job done that can get pretty well into the k round about territory and on up higher for larger homes. You can even build your own solar cells with great ease if you are well informed with great ease. For those who are not so well informed, I will indicate a highly recommended site down below. (This online guide will get any level of builder well on his or her way to solar freedom.) This is what I was talking about when I said you could save tens of thousands off of a pro job or manufactured panels. If you already have the basic, leisurely garage builder or home fixer-upper setup for tools, you are set to tackle such a project with full on, high speed intent. Just a simple trip to the ole' lumberyard for framing and boxing hardware for your design and a stop at the hardware store for electrical wares and other misc. you have planned for you particular intentions. Build kit- This would do great on someone who has the skills, a little chunk of change (maybe between 5 to 10k) to invest in a project like and/or a little short on time. This method here can cut the a little bit of time out of getting it done as a pose to building completely from scratch. But the time saving is not that great plus the amount that you have to fork over for the prefabbed panels. Don't get me wrong, they are of great quality, but I have always been a man of doing the grittier and harder way to feel the pride of accomplishment and saving a good wad of currency to put towards something more worthwhile like kid's college or stock options. That's just me and my two cents plinkin' on the table. You can leave it there if it wont serve your purpose. Professional Installation- If you are a person who has done well for themselves and have the great freedom in life to enjoy the professional services, smiles, and courtesies associated with buying from a well suited professional business a custom made-to-fit, for Mr. Smith, finished product ready to go just push here, then by all means you deserve so. When I got an estimate for the house I am intending to build later in the summer of next year, I got back somewhere around k as a rough estimate for a very modestly built home. Whether you are doing it for the environment or to be able to claim self sufficiency or whatever be your reason, this is the option you have worked for to have in all areas of your life. Or even if you are not this person and want your home or project done to meet a given deadline or to be done to a very certain standard or quality, it is your choice. The money that should be spent, I feel, at this scale is for the big fishes.

Things to consider

Once you decide the best method to fit your labor preference and budget, there are some side notes associated with a project of this scale that you MUST take into account or it could easily quash your well structured plan to go solar. Below are some majors that any DIY'er must take into account also.

The Audit

Alongside your given method of getting your home to run on pure sun-sent energy, you also have to take into account the audit you have complete. There are auditors that you can hire, but these "professionals" can charge outrageous fees for the ignorant client and can tarnish your whole idea of this project being super low funded. There is literature on the net and in bookstores you can give a gander through. There are also programs you can download that are also pretty helpful as well, this I know of since it is the route I took.

-Things to Remember for Your Audit-

You can still do this yourself- This may sound like it is something for people who are good with numbers and punch away at calculators and keyboards all day for a living, but this is not true. Pick up some good literature on green energy devices and you will find out how easily this can be done by the regular Joe T. Schmoe. Some auditors will clean your clock- Because of people immediately being intimidated by the thought of having to evaluate and calculate a report of their newly installed green energy device for tax reasons, they will automatically think its a job they must leave up to an auditor. Don't let the their shark smiles and pocket protectors fool ya though. Some of these fellas will take advantage of your ignorance and they will come home that night with more than their earned keep. But again, if you have the flow to roll with this full on and you don't have the time to worry about a petty savings of a couple hundred quid or so, don't sweat it then. I still wouldn't turn a blind eye to them just so they wont take you for a fool.

Electrical Wiring/Installation

If you are savvy with electrician work and wiring the layouts of outlets, conduits, and circuit breakers in houses, then this part is of no real concern to you. But for everyone else, it would be vital to know how you are going to have your network of electrical wiring laid out to deliver this newly harvested, solar electricity for home use. In some cases, it will have to satisfy building code regulations depending on where you live. This step right here could deliver you right back to the pro' installers door step. Although, it is possible to find electricians that can wire the panels for you, especially if you live in a more developed city, like I don't, and have unlimited services and stores around for assistance in any of the above stated scenarios. But if you are the DIY'er wishing to make this a sub-Franklin spending project, then this is not a choice! If you are wanting to pull through this project and claim the victory of spending a nil amount of your cold, hard, green earnings, then you will have to adapt and overcome a little better than that. You learn the true essence of this practice in the Marine Corps, especially if you are of an infantry type specialty. It can be done, all you need is to be a little more resourceful and determined. So to sum it up in more digestible bits, here is the different routes you can take for electrical part of the job.

-Who can do the electrical wiring-

1. Yourself- Grab an electrician's around-the-home kit from radio-shack or your local hardware store that comes with a pair of splicers, shrink tubing, an assortment of connectors, and maybe even a voltmeter to be properly outfitted for your DIY installation.

2. Family or Friend- Call a your favorite uncle or in-law and coax them with a six pack or a pay per view event to help you wire up your new setup. It can be a great bonding experience but it can also put you in the hole for when they need help with their next big "favor". When going with choice number two here, beware of what types of deeds these may be. A random call could come at the middle of the night asking if you got some money to bail them out on a DUI charge....

3. General Electrician- There are plenty of electricians usually anywhere you may live. This type of work would be elementary to them, although it would still cost you and would cross out the idea of doing this build under a Benjamin.

4. The Professional- This would be the route to go for those who are willing to pour their money into a guaranteed quality job. Still be wary of those who claim to be "professional" since there is always the con jobbers in almost any occupation. Ask for credentials, certifications, some type of references and definitely do research on their trade name to see if there is any outstanding talk about these guys' performance.

Choosing Your Mounts

Yes I know, its crazy to think for you hardcore DIY builders who were scrounging around for old busted bits of poly-chrystalline solar cells from scrap yards and soldering them all together into a giant 5x3 panel with a home brewed power inverter and all that now ya have to build/buy some framing to hold it in and a mounting contraption to keep it at its desired angle for proper abundant sun-ray consumption. So now that you have finally got your panel built and functioning, its kind of like, "What? I still have to do things!?" When you do your mounting, you must decide based on what type of environment you live in and what best suits your lifestyle. Say if you live in a more dry, sunny suburb like in Arizona, you could probably about mount your panels any where on the ground at a stand-off from your house and make it an easy mounting job. But having your newly installed, sunlight harvesting panels out on display for any wandering eye to behold can inspire thoughts of jacking the fruits of your hard earned labor to turn around and sell for more than you invested in them! You have to consider points like this. But the type of mount you want to use is probably one of your biggest decisions. I will list below the major types of mounts you can buy or possibly duplicate.

-Types of Mounts-

1. Pole Mount- This is the most basic setup and easiest to put together in most cases as it is basically. You just have to make sure that the spot you put it in will be favorable towards the trajectory of sunlight that vary throughout the day and the seasons. There are two types of these that either have the panel on an X or Y axis meaning supported on the the top of the pole or on the sides of it. So logically, when using the on-the-side type to hold up your panel, you may have better angling you can achieve but you will have to use smaller panels so it will be better able to support itself. Ergo the on-top-of-the-pole variant will be able to hold more panel and weight and be more stable.

2. Roof Mount- With these guys, the thievery issue becomes less of a concern since your panels are out of their reach of their sticky fingers and interests. If your roof is very well exposed where you know the sunlight will be able to glare directly down at it at all times of the year, I would recommend going with this. But another thing to remember, is that since it is on your house, it needs to pass building inspection to get before you get the green light on self generated renewable energy for your home.

3. Tracking Mount- An outstanding way to go if you are wanting to spend a little bit on this project. If you are rationing you budget on the things you want to buy for this build, get the tracking mount. It will make your system act more optimally since it will always point itself in the best direction to suit its purpose. Although if you live somewhere that is cloudy 90% of the year, you may reconsider on this one since it wouldn't exactly serve its purpose. But if you are wanting to put at least some money into getting your house solar outfitted, have some money to put down on these mounts if it is at all possible.

I hope this article helped some to get a grip of where it is you need to start. I too am planning on doing the whole enchilada totally DIY as many others have also discovered they too can build solar panels from scratch under 0 and run their house on them. When me and my wife begin building this summer (hopefully) I am planning to run my newly built home on my made from scratch solar panels. For those who are going to do any building on your own, when seeking out your desired knowledge, you can go and search blogs or forums that talk about these certain topics and maybe dig up some useful tidbits here and there to piece together to outfit your own plan, but can also be pretty time consuming as well if you are not keen to doing so. You can dig around on Youtube also but that's just about like the last idea. There is some pretty helpful software out there also that can really take you by the hand and guide you through the process. Since I am going totally building form scratch myself, I know of a program you can get online that has been very useful for me and I believe would be for the percentage of you that are also going to make this a fun DIY project built from scratch

How Can I Generate Renewable Energy and Reduce My Bills? A Guide to DIY Solar Energy
Soldering Stand

Special Price!!! PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise

Oct 27, 2011 01:38:41

PanaVise Model 201
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PanaVise Model 201

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise <<

PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise Feature

  • Easy-to-use single knob controls head movement through 3-planes: 210 degree Tilt, 360 Turn & 360 Rotation
  • Fine/coarse adjusting knob controls jaw pressure for delicate work
  • Grooved jaws are excellent for holding small objects and are made of reinforced thermal composite plastic
  • Continuous heat tolerance to 350 F (177 C), intermittent heat up to 450 F (204 C)
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty!

PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise Overview

The PanaVise 201 "Junior" miniature vise is a combination of quality workmanship and durability, ease of adjustment and available accessories. Designed for use in small projects requiring precise soldering, gluing and tool work, the 201 Junior miniature vise features tilt adjustability up to 210-degrees along with 360-degree turns and rotations, fine and course clamping abilities, grooved jaws for easy holding power, heat-tolerant jaws, compatibility with other vise components and more.

The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise
Split-ball joint allows the vise head to move across 3-planes.
View larger.
Turn, Tilt and Rotate Clamped Items at Will

The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise is a versatile, multi-use mini-vise that is suitable for use in everything from arts and crafts, to model making, electronics and other small projects. Lightweight, yet durable, the vise is designed around a vise head assembly constructed of a black glass reinforced thermal composite alloy connected to a die cast zinc base by PanaVise's patented ball joint clamp system, known as a "split-ball." The split-ball system not only holds items within the vise head assembly securely in position, but also allows for maneuvering of them along three separate planes. The complete range of mobility possible with the split-ball joint clamp system is a 210-degree tilt to the left or right, along with either an angled rotation or level turn range of 360 degrees. This range of mobility, especially the large left-to-right tilt, allows you to rearrange items being worked on into virtually any position, limiting the need to adjust the overall position of the vise or the item within the vise.

The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise used for model making
Well-suited to small precision jobs like arts and crafts, and model making.
View larger.
The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise used to solder a circuit board
Grooved jaws and heat tolerance make it good for electronics as well.
View larger.

The head assembly of the PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise contains a number of convenient additional features users will find valuable. The first of these revolves around is its ability to securely and safely hold items. Although the 1" wide by 2" tall, the jaws of the 201 Junior miniature vise are able to secure both tough small jobs as well as delicate jobs by way of their dual adjustment mechanism that allows for both course and fine adjustments. In addition, the holding power of the jaws can be softened further with an optional padded accessory for holding extremely delicate items (sold separately). Next, the upper ends of both jaws contain grooved ridges. These ridges are designed for detailed work with flat, angled items like circuit boards. Also, since ideal vise uses such as circuit board wiring and jewelry making, involve soldering, the vise head assembly of the PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise is highly resistant to heat, with a continuous heat tolerance to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and intermittent heat up to 450 degrees F (204 degrees C).

Flexible Base Mount Options

The PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise offers great flexibility of its mount possibilities. The zinc base included can be used as a stand-alone support when working with light items, or can be used to secure the vise permanently to a flat surface via its three countersunk holes (screws not included). In addition to this, the PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise is compatible with a range of base accessories that allow for mounting and using your vise wherever your work takes you.

Key Features
  • Multi-use mini-vise suited to small-sized projects like arts and crafts, model making, electronics, jewelry making and more
  • The easy-to-use "split-ball" adjustment element utilizes single knob controls for head movement through 3-planes
  • Fine/coarse adjusting knob controls jaw pressure for delicate work
  • Grooved jaws are excellent for holding small objects and are made of reinforced thermal composite plastic
  • Durable, heat-tolerant vise head assembly construction
  • The vise features compatibility with all PanaVise base mounts and many other accessories
  • Overall height: 6-3/4" (173 mm)
  • Rotation: 360 degrees
  • Swivel: 360 degrees
  • Pivot: 210 degrees
  • Continuous heat tolerance: Up to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C)
  • Intermittent heat tolerance: Up to 450 degrees F (204 degrees C)
  • Vise opening: up to 2.875" (73 mm)
  • Jaw width: 1" (25.4 mm)
  • Jaw height: 2" (50.8 mm)
  • Weight: 1.2 lbs. (0.6 kg)
  • Base
    • 4.3125" (109.5 mm) diameter bolt circle
    • .300" center hole
    • Three counter sunk holes for 1/4" (6.3 mm) flathead screws (not included)
    • Compatible with other PanaVise base mounts
What's in the Box
  • PanaVise model 201 "Junior" miniature vise (includes model 203 PanaVise head assembly, PanaVise Junior base)
  • User's manual and warranty information
Limited Lifetime Warranty

All PanaVise products are warranted against defective materials and/or workmanship to all original consumer owners from the date of original consumer purchase for the lifetime of ownership by the original consumer owner. In the event of defective materials and/or workmanship, PanaVise Products, Inc. will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, the defective product within 60-days from the receipt of the defective product. The Warranty does not apply to damage not resulting from defective materials and/or workmanship while in the possession of the original consumer or to unreasonable use by the original consumer, which includes but is not limited to improper installation, or failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance.

About PanaVise

Founded in 1957 by tool and die maker Otto Colbert and currently headquartered in Reno, Nevada, PanaVise is a leader in work holding products. Over the years, a natural outgrowth of this expertise has been continued development of other items which hold things securely and offer a wide range of motion. Important areas in which this has been applied include, Electronics, CCTV Camera Mounts, and Audio/Video Mounts, earning PanaVise the nickname the "the hold it anywhere you want it company."

SAVE NOW on the special offers below!

Available In Stock.

This PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

PanaVise Model 201

Limited Offer Today!! PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise

Special Price!!! PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise

Oct 25, 2011 15:31:08

PanaVise Model 201
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PanaVise Model 201

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise <<

PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise Feature

  • Easy-to-use single knob controls head movement through 3-planes: 210 degree Tilt, 360 Turn & 360 Rotation
  • Fine/coarse adjusting knob controls jaw pressure for delicate work
  • Grooved jaws are excellent for holding small objects and are made of reinforced thermal composite plastic
  • Continuous heat tolerance to 350 F (177 C), intermittent heat up to 450 F (204 C)
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty!

PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise Overview

The PanaVise 201 "Junior" miniature vise is a combination of quality workmanship and durability, ease of adjustment and available accessories. Designed for use in small projects requiring precise soldering, gluing and tool work, the 201 Junior miniature vise features tilt adjustability up to 210-degrees along with 360-degree turns and rotations, fine and course clamping abilities, grooved jaws for easy holding power, heat-tolerant jaws, compatibility with other vise components and more.

The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise
Split-ball joint allows the vise head to move across 3-planes.
View larger.
Turn, Tilt and Rotate Clamped Items at Will

The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise is a versatile, multi-use mini-vise that is suitable for use in everything from arts and crafts, to model making, electronics and other small projects. Lightweight, yet durable, the vise is designed around a vise head assembly constructed of a black glass reinforced thermal composite alloy connected to a die cast zinc base by PanaVise's patented ball joint clamp system, known as a "split-ball." The split-ball system not only holds items within the vise head assembly securely in position, but also allows for maneuvering of them along three separate planes. The complete range of mobility possible with the split-ball joint clamp system is a 210-degree tilt to the left or right, along with either an angled rotation or level turn range of 360 degrees. This range of mobility, especially the large left-to-right tilt, allows you to rearrange items being worked on into virtually any position, limiting the need to adjust the overall position of the vise or the item within the vise.

The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise used for model making
Well-suited to small precision jobs like arts and crafts, and model making.
View larger.
The PanaVise Model 201 Junior miniature vise used to solder a circuit board
Grooved jaws and heat tolerance make it good for electronics as well.
View larger.

The head assembly of the PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise contains a number of convenient additional features users will find valuable. The first of these revolves around is its ability to securely and safely hold items. Although the 1" wide by 2" tall, the jaws of the 201 Junior miniature vise are able to secure both tough small jobs as well as delicate jobs by way of their dual adjustment mechanism that allows for both course and fine adjustments. In addition, the holding power of the jaws can be softened further with an optional padded accessory for holding extremely delicate items (sold separately). Next, the upper ends of both jaws contain grooved ridges. These ridges are designed for detailed work with flat, angled items like circuit boards. Also, since ideal vise uses such as circuit board wiring and jewelry making, involve soldering, the vise head assembly of the PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise is highly resistant to heat, with a continuous heat tolerance to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and intermittent heat up to 450 degrees F (204 degrees C).

Flexible Base Mount Options

The PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise offers great flexibility of its mount possibilities. The zinc base included can be used as a stand-alone support when working with light items, or can be used to secure the vise permanently to a flat surface via its three countersunk holes (screws not included). In addition to this, the PanaVise 201 Junior miniature vise is compatible with a range of base accessories that allow for mounting and using your vise wherever your work takes you.

Key Features
  • Multi-use mini-vise suited to small-sized projects like arts and crafts, model making, electronics, jewelry making and more
  • The easy-to-use "split-ball" adjustment element utilizes single knob controls for head movement through 3-planes
  • Fine/coarse adjusting knob controls jaw pressure for delicate work
  • Grooved jaws are excellent for holding small objects and are made of reinforced thermal composite plastic
  • Durable, heat-tolerant vise head assembly construction
  • The vise features compatibility with all PanaVise base mounts and many other accessories
  • Overall height: 6-3/4" (173 mm)
  • Rotation: 360 degrees
  • Swivel: 360 degrees
  • Pivot: 210 degrees
  • Continuous heat tolerance: Up to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C)
  • Intermittent heat tolerance: Up to 450 degrees F (204 degrees C)
  • Vise opening: up to 2.875" (73 mm)
  • Jaw width: 1" (25.4 mm)
  • Jaw height: 2" (50.8 mm)
  • Weight: 1.2 lbs. (0.6 kg)
  • Base
    • 4.3125" (109.5 mm) diameter bolt circle
    • .300" center hole
    • Three counter sunk holes for 1/4" (6.3 mm) flathead screws (not included)
    • Compatible with other PanaVise base mounts
What's in the Box
  • PanaVise model 201 "Junior" miniature vise (includes model 203 PanaVise head assembly, PanaVise Junior base)
  • User's manual and warranty information
Limited Lifetime Warranty

All PanaVise products are warranted against defective materials and/or workmanship to all original consumer owners from the date of original consumer purchase for the lifetime of ownership by the original consumer owner. In the event of defective materials and/or workmanship, PanaVise Products, Inc. will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, the defective product within 60-days from the receipt of the defective product. The Warranty does not apply to damage not resulting from defective materials and/or workmanship while in the possession of the original consumer or to unreasonable use by the original consumer, which includes but is not limited to improper installation, or failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance.

About PanaVise

Founded in 1957 by tool and die maker Otto Colbert and currently headquartered in Reno, Nevada, PanaVise is a leader in work holding products. Over the years, a natural outgrowth of this expertise has been continued development of other items which hold things securely and offer a wide range of motion. Important areas in which this has been applied include, Electronics, CCTV Camera Mounts, and Audio/Video Mounts, earning PanaVise the nickname the "the hold it anywhere you want it company."

SAVE NOW on the special offers below!

Available In Stock.

This PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

PanaVise Model 201

Limited Offer Today!! PanaVise Model 201 "Junior" Miniature Vise Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Led Pocket Projector Mitsubishi Tv 1080P

Alcohol Abuse in Soldiers

A lot of soldiers returning home from wars have become alcoholics. It is true that the loneliness as well as the pressure while out in the battle field makes soldiers resort to drinking sprees, alcohol dependency and sometimes drug dependency.

Soldering Stand

Soldiers should remember though that the abuse of alcohol as well as the misuse of medications or drugs can result to harmful and risky behaviors that include but are not limited to pub fights, spousal abuse, even unexpected deaths so it is a must to engage in responsible drinking. Below are some tips that would help one drink responsibly:

Soldering Stand

Before drinking and in the course of drinking, make sure that your stomach has food because eating food with starch and high protein will slow down the rate of the effects of alcohol hitting you.

Drink slowly but surely as fast drinking will make the drinker more intoxicated. Drinking no more than one drink every hour will result to the drinker not being drunk fast

Try drinking non alcoholic drinks in between your intake of alcoholic drinks as this will result to alcoholic drinks not having a greater effect on you.

Remember this HALT! This is easy to remember and stands for "Never Drink if you have the following feelings: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired."

And of course, let us not forget (though it may be a cliche, it can save lives). Do not drink and drive. Always make sure that the person who will be driving the vehicle is sober, otherwise, just take a cab or any other public transportation.

Following these tips will help you (soldiers) avoid alcohol abuse as well as symptoms or ailments partnered with alcoholism such as: PTSD. PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when coupled with alcoholism will automatically cause a lot of trouble. It is a type of anxiety disorder that usually results from trauma that comes from physical injury, a serious threat of death or the death of someone close. As early as the 6th century BC, PTSD has been observed in war veterans.

It has been observed that people with PTSD have a greater risk of developing alcoholism and most alcoholics are even diagnosed with the said disease. Around eighty percent of war veterans undergoing treatment for PTSD have been detected with alcohol abuse disorders. These people have a tendency to commit suicide once they become depressed especially if they are over the age of 65. Binge drinking is also a frequent activity in soldiers/veterans as it is used as a tool to forget traumatic memories for a short period of time.

Alcoholism also disrupts your relationship with your partner and may lead to violence as it is evident in spousal abuse committed by intoxicated soldiers. Aside from conflicts, problems in intimacy have also been observed. PTSD symptoms are stimulated more with alcoholism. The effects of PTSD treatments are also lessened by alcohol abuse. Soldiers amongst all professionals have the great responsibility of avoiding alcoholism. It is a must to follow tips in avoiding too much drinking not only for your safety but also for the safety of your loved ones and the people who look up to you.

Alcohol Abuse in Soldiers
Soldering Stand

Special Price!!! Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil

Oct 24, 2011 12:23:49

Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil
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Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil <<

Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil Feature

  • Soldering tool stand with base, receptacle and sponge
  • For use with Weller soldering iron PES50

Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil Overview

Features Soldering tool stand with base, receptacle and sponge For use with PES50 iron Sponge: TC205

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Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil

Limited Offer Today!! Weller Soldering Stand/Sponge For PES50 Soldering Pencil Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Danger in Lead Pipes and Paint

In most cases, lead has been eliminated from residential paint and lead water pipes haven't be used in years, but new scientific evidence shows that people are susceptible to lead poisoning at much lower levels than previously thought harmful.

Soldering Stand

The dangers of lead, especially to children and pregnant women, have sparked a new round of concern and action that may soon rival efforts to rid buildings of asbestos.

Soldering Stand

In the U.S., federal legislation requires real estate agents and sellers of any building built before 1978 to declare their knowledge of lead hazards, provide a lead warning pamphlet to prospective buyers, and give them a chance to test for lead before the contract can be finalized.

In Canada, lead was used in most paint up to about the time of World War II. Some paint contained as much as 50 percent lead by weight until 1976 when the federal government restricted lead to 0.5 percent.

Called the "silent disease" because it affect humans slowly and without symptoms, lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, interfere with growth, cause hearing loss or visual impairment, damage the nervous system, interrupt fetal development, cause miscarriages, or lead to brain damage, convulsions and death.

As many as 90 percent of North American houses built before the fifties contain lead-based paint. This flaking paint is a threat to children inside the house and while playing on the ground near the house. Adults and children together are at risk from the dust that results from normal wear and friction around door jambs and window frames.

Everyone needs to take great care to avoid the dust that is created when surfaces are scraped or sanded for repainting, which is a job for specially-trained lead abatement contractors. You can't eliminate the dust with a regular vacuum cleaner without making the situation worse.

Paint isn't the only threat. An older home's plumbing may contain lead pipes, which were widely used and last a long time. Lead leaches into the water as it stands in the pipes. (Interestingly, the word plumbing comes from the Latin word plumbum, which means lead.)

Lead pipes were commonly used for toilet and sink drains because lead is so soft the pipes could be bent by hand. Lead solder was used to join older lead pipes to modern copper pipes. And molten lead was used to seal joints in the big cast iron pipes that carry waste to the sewers.

Even people who live in a modern house without lead pipes can't assume their drinking water is lead-free, because in many cities there's lead in the water long before it reaches the house. Residents in cities with high lead levels in the water supply should purchase water-treatment devices that filter out lead before it reaches the tap.

Most home inspectors point out the existence of lead pipes whenever they are found and most will send water samples to the local health department if requested. Municipalities normally charges about for testing. Home inspectors can test for lead paint for about or test all the vinyl blinds in the house for a similar price.

Now that we know how dangerous lead can be in and around older homes, we need to make sure we act on it and protect ourselves and our families from this unseen danger.

Committed to your peace-of-mind,

Danger in Lead Pipes and Paint
Soldering Stand

Special Price!!! Velleman Deluxe Soldering Iron Stand

Oct 23, 2011 13:01:40

Velleman Deluxe Soldering Iron Stand
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Velleman Deluxe Soldering Iron Stand

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Velleman Deluxe Soldering Iron Stand Overview

Solder Stand includes space for Iron and Solder Reel Features: with solder and iron holder and sponge solder is not included

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Velleman Deluxe Soldering Iron Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Velleman Deluxe Soldering Iron Stand Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Vitamins And Health Supplements 26 Lcd Hd Tv 32 Led Lcd Hdtv

Should You Get a Rip Rider 360 For Your Kid?

All parents always ensure the safety of their children. They want to be in constant control and wherever possible safeguard their children away from bruises and wounds. Most especially for small children, they want to protect them from hazardous events and toys. And parents today always consider the interests of safety of their child's toys and games.

Soldering Stand

Toys evolved to meet the demands of the new generation of game consumers. No wonder why there are many game consoles perfect for another gaming experience. Children now are becoming more adventurous in terms of their playing mediums. Only new equipment released in the market is perfect in providing adventure for children. It's called Rip Rider 360.

Soldering Stand

Rip Rider 360 is the newest bike and scooter of today. The wheels are much better than the ones mentioned. This allows large movements of rotating. This also helps to achieve fast speed biking. Much more, it has three wheels, one in front and two on the side. In contrast to normal bicycles, it does not require much of a balance between the two wheels just to get it running. But Rip Rider 360, you do not have to do it. This factor alone is an assessment of how safe this toy is for your children.

Another point to consider when buying the Rip Rider 360 with respect to their security is its built in dual-tilt wheels. There is no resistance to running and spinning action. Much more these are welded strongly together in a steel frame and fork for support. Although this toy is designed to slide and spin, the solder joints provide a solid basis for maintaining these areas intact, regardless of speed. It is still light at 20 pounds, and can cater a rider up to 160 pounds. Rip Rider 360 measures approximately 38" by 24" by 24".

The design is intended for safety, especially for its intended market. It has rubber grips to keep it strong and in full control. The seat is designed to be comfortable. The rider leans back in a sitting position. While you seat, you can not slide thus adding more security. It has a comfortable belt that will secure you in your place, regardless of the operation and spinout.

Even with the pilot assuring its safety, it is still recommended to wear protective gear when you ride. The helmet should be a top priority, followed by knees and elbows pads. Rip Rider 360 is designed for children twelve years and older. This should be followed accordingly. Children will love this sport with speed and so are girls. It has different patterns and colors to choose according to your kid's desire.

Rip Rider 360 is indeed safe to buy for your kids. Along with the purchase of the bike itself, it is also proposed to purchase protective equipment. So this new season, head to your local stores and start buying this viable toy the Rip Rider 360.

Should You Get a Rip Rider 360 For Your Kid?
Soldering Stand

Anolon Cookware Hdtv 42 Inch

Soldering Iron Stand

Special Price!!! Soldering Iron Stand

Oct 21, 2011 06:51:25

Soldering Iron Stand
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Soldering Iron Stand

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Soldering Iron Stand Feature

  • Small stand w/ flip-up wire form

Soldering Iron Stand Overview

Soldering Iron Stand

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Soldering Iron Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Soldering Iron Stand Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Logitech Trackball Sony 5.1 Home Theater System

Learn More About Contaminated Drinking Water

Reports about contaminated drinking water are scary. Environmental groups, consumer protection organizations and major health organizations are all concerned about drinking water contamination. The groups want the government to "do" something. In the meantime, it's up to us to find out what's in our water and how to get it out.

Soldering Stand

Treatment facilities are supposed to publish test results concerning the public water content on a bi-annual or quarterly basis. These reports are designed to warn officials about contaminated drinking water supplies, so that people can take efforts to protect themselves.

Soldering Stand

The problem is, according to investigative reporters at the Washington Post, a very large number of treatment facilities in major cities around the country are "falsifying" their test results. In other words, there could be drinking water contamination in your city and you would never know, unless you got sick.

Several years back, in Milwaukee, over 100 people died due to cryptosporidium contaminated drinking water. The parasite is microscopic. During the cyst phase of life, it is practically impossible to detect and highly resistant to disinfection methods. So, even when the treatment facilities are doing their jobs, drinking water contamination is still a possibility.

There have been numerous reports of lead contaminated drinking water in many cities around the country, including the nation's capitol, Baltimore, MD and many others. The problem, according to government officials is that in previous years, copper pipes were lined with lead and lead was used at elbow joints for soldering.

As the pipes age, the lead seeps into the water supply and ends up in people's homes. Drinking water contamination of this type does not usually cause death or immediate illness, so there are no outbreaks to report. The Centers for Disease Control are unlikely to get involved. Everyone stands around pointing fingers at everyone else, while people get sicker and sicker.

Lead poisoning causes brain damage, learning disabilities, birth defects, nutritional deficiencies and an assortment of other long-term health problems. Yet in areas with lead contaminated drinking water, no one is telling the average guy on the street that his tap water is dangerous.

In many places, aging gasoline storage tanks have caused obvious drinking water contamination. People can smell it. But, in most cases, contaminated drinking water supplies look and smell normal.

Ralph Nader has been warning people for years that there are over 2000 different cancer causing chemicals in tap water. You can't see the chemicals and only some of them have an odor. Chlorine is one of the chemicals that have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

The sad thing is that we put chlorine in public water supplies to help prevent drinking water contamination. It kills most of the bacteria and other living things. Apparently, it can eventually kill people, too.

The only way to really be sure that you do not have contaminated drinking water is to invest in a good in-home water purification system. If you're not sure what's in there, you can always have an independent laboratory do some testing for you. It may be the safest thing to do.

Learn More About Contaminated Drinking Water
Soldering Stand

Special Price!!! Soldering Iron Stand

Oct 20, 2011 07:08:57

Soldering Iron Stand
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Soldering Iron Stand

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Soldering Iron Stand Feature

  • Small stand w/ flip-up wire form

Soldering Iron Stand Overview

Soldering Iron Stand

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Soldering Iron Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Soldering Iron Stand Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Ice Cream Maker Car Headrest Lcd Black And Decker Lawn Mower

Mini Soldering Iron Stand

Special Price!!! Mini Soldering Iron Stand

Oct 19, 2011 06:51:06

Mini Soldering Iron Stand
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Mini Soldering Iron Stand

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Mini Soldering Iron Stand Overview

Perfect for stand alone soldering irons, this square base stand features a sponge tray for easy tip cleaning. Base dimensions: 1-9/16 x 1-7/8.

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Mini Soldering Iron Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Mini Soldering Iron Stand Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Vitamin D Supplement Audio Speakers Home Carbide Blade

The Dreaded Red Lights on Your Xbox 360 - Is There Any Permanent Way to Repair It?

If you have the dreaded red lights flashing on your Xbox 360 then unfortunately it looks that you will have to find some way to repair the system. Nearly all of the red light problems are caused by the Xbox 360's motherboard taking too much heat and what happens is the main chips called the GPU and the CPU basically burn out. On top of this the soldering that connects the two chips snaps off due to the heat and that is normally why you get the red light problem.

Soldering Stand

So Is There Any Permanent Way To Repair Your Xbox 360?

Soldering Stand

Well the most obvious way is to ring up Microsoft customer support and tell them the problem. They will then ask you a bunch of questions and tell you that your Xbox has a general hardware error, then they will ship you a box to put your Xbox in and someone from you UPS will come round and pick it up for you and you will have to wait up to six weeks to get a replacement.

Of course this is the best way if you don't mind waiting and if you have the three red light error. If you have any other problem with your Xbox 360 then you will have to pay 0 to get it repaired which is fairly steep seeing as you have already invested in a console that should not go wrong.

If you are outside your warranty, or even if you just can't stand to wait that long then you can repair the Xbox 360 yourself and all you need to do is find the guide that will tell you how to stop all the heat getting to the two main chips inside it.

There are a few of these Xbox 360 repair guides that you must do you're searching about as some of them are just full of links to forums that discuss the towel trick which will damage your Xbox!

However there are some of these guides that the real deal and will have you up and running just make sure you get videos included with the guide and also a preview of the actual video. I've seen some of these guides claiming to give you video that they will not offer you a preview, so you really have no idea what you're getting. Lastly you should not go wrong if you also make sure that you have a full guarantee.

I hope this article has told you how you can get your Xbox 360 permanently fixed and you can get back to your games fast!

The Dreaded Red Lights on Your Xbox 360 - Is There Any Permanent Way to Repair It?
Soldering Stand

Special Price!!! Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black

Oct 18, 2011 03:43:25

Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black
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Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black

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Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black Feature

  • Material: Metal, Plastic
  • Spindle Size: 7 x 1.5cm(L*D)
  • Holder Size: 9 x 8 x 8cm / 3.5" x 3.15" x 3.15"(L*W*H)
  • Color: Blue, Black; Weight: 187g
  • Package Content: 1 x Solder Holder 1 x Reel Spindle

Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black Overview

This product is good and perfect design;Durable dispenser minimizes core solder usage;Eliminates operator downtime, provides continuous solder wire.

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Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black

Limited Offer Today!! Metal Solder Wire Stand Holder Support Frame Blue Black Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Trim Compressor Digital Converter Box

Combo Soldering Iron "Third-Hand" Tool + (4) Tweezers

Special Price!!! Combo Soldering Iron "Third-Hand" Tool + (4) Tweezers

Combo Soldering Iron
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Combo Soldering Iron

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Combo Soldering Iron "Third-Hand" Tool + (4) Tweezers Overview

Combo of 5pc Electronics Repair tool Third-Hand Soldering Iron (Magnifier Loupe, 2 Alligator Clamps and Stand) Tool, Factory Sealed NIB This product is perfect for soldering and model making enthusiasts This product gives an extra hand on those hard soldering projects This is one of the best quality tools in the market It comes with stand and 2 fully adjustable alligator clamps The stand is made of heavy iron The glass lens is also fully adjustable 360 degrees to any angle This product has great magnification power Len's size is 2 1/2" 3x and made of coated glass for crystal clear view Overall size is 10 1/2" x 7 3/4" x 2 1/8" 4pcs of Jewelers, Watchmakers and Hobby Tweezers , Factory Sealed NIB The tweezers are , factory sealed, in their original package These brand highly polished and surgical-grade stainless steel This tweezers are designed for holding beads, jewelry, stamps and coins This set is ideal for craftsmanship, sewing or matchmaking This set contains 4 different pair of tweezers You will receive one curved tip, one straight tip, slant tip and one cross locking tip tweezers The sizes are approximately 4 1/2" to 4 3/4"

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Combo Soldering Iron

Limited Offer Today!! Combo Soldering Iron "Third-Hand" Tool + (4) Tweezers Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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